Till the time we don’t grow, we never understand the true definition of self-doubt until the moment comes when we start experiencing it in our adulthood.

Before every decision we question ourselves more than few times on our decision. If it is right or wrong what ifs and what nots are always a part of that decision.

Anyways, if we are talking about the ratio of self-doubt then who decides it for us and how do we rationalise it.

So, as said that “universe is all about balance between all the resources”. Similarly, I believe that there should always be a balance between our thoughts. Whether it be on good or bad of having self- doubt.

Life brings us to a situation ion life where you don’t know how to take decisions and just then comes self-doubt playing in very important role in our thoughts and takes us to a path. Where maybe we were supposing to be or we were not.

Now, who decide the ratio right? Tell me who decides the balance between resources human, right?

Similarly, we humans are responsible for maintain our balance in thoughts.

So, how we do it right?

First of all, we need to know if we are dealing with self-doubt……… for that question yourself these things: –

1.     Are you still living in your past experiences or failures.

2.     Did you spend your childhood in unhealthy environment?

Such as: – got school because of your minor mistakes? Bad parenting etc….

3.     Do you compare yourself with others?

4.     No clue what to do when faced with new challenges.

5.     Fear of failure or success.

If you have any positive answers to this question then you are suffering from self-doubt.

What can be done to decrease it?

Here are few suggestion

1.     Practise self- compassion

2.     Remember your past achievements

3.     Try to not compare your yourself to others

4.     Be mindful of your thinking

5.     Spend time with supportive people

6.     Find validation from within

7.     Identify your values

8.     Seek professional help

Even still you are confused or feel helpless about this than you can contact me for a chat.