I would be very straight forward to the point, avoiding every judgement and opinion of people on the topic.

So, yeah for me family is very overrated word and for the people to use.

We as a human, we expect love and satisfaction from our family and I always work for it but I never got that energy from them.

Then I started to think about reasons where am I lacking at, to make them happy, But I couldn’t find anything because I was doing every possible thing on my end to fulfil their needs.

Then I got it, that “there will be nothing that anyone can do to satisfy them “.

If you know, and have done that do comment down and tell me.

But as we always say that humans need will never be satisfied.

Our wishes will never get finished once we wish for new phone, than we will wish for new car than new house than we will want to have different variety of foods than we will go for luxury but that will never be the end of it.

We will always want something more than what we have accomplished.

Similarly, our families desire and wants or expectations from us will never end. They will always want more every time we try or we met their expectations.


You might be thinking that why did I use this word ‘contradictory’ in this discussion because whenever we talk about it. It is very that we love our family and that it will be our ultimate destination.

But is it really fact or that is “the truth” you all are suppose to say in the world?

Let’s just accept it in open for once and for all that every house has a problem and pretending they don’t won’t help. Let’s just confess to ourselves that the word family is very contradictory when we discuss it.

I don’t know about you people but whenever I have to talk about family I don’t know where to begin and when will that end but at the same time, I also love my family. If anyone speaks rubbish, I can’t bear it and that’s just the reason I will say it very contradictory.


I hope that everyone asks themselves each time they have contradictory thoughts to themselves.

I don’t really know your thoughts on it so do let me know in comment section about it because I am just writing it with my assumptions and I feel everyone gets negative once in a while.

But anyway, again is it really negative?

I really don’t think so. Having a broken family or unsatisfied family is not bad.

I will never say it is good unless you think to make it good.

Let’s look in that, wherever you are standing in your life is because of unsatisfied family of yours.

And whatever you are willing to do next is because of them. It can be good or bad and that depends on your thoughts.

If you want to know mine, do read ahead.

For me my family is my responsibility and I don’t think that can be bad or good.

I don’t expect love or care from them most often. sometimes I do and I get and sometimes I don’t but they never lack at their responsibility and I will never lack at mine and I think that’s how it works.


Is it even wrong to say it? I don’t know but that’s my opinion at this phase of my life. Maybe it will change maybe it won’t. You never know.

My theory on it is, the family I am talking about is given to us by the universe and we cannot do anything but be with them whether we like It or not, because they are nurturing us with whatever means they can because they loved us and we were there responsibility.

“Similarly, as we grow up, we inherently understand them because we love them. Even if we don’t feel it at the moment, we know we do. They become our responsibility.”

When we talk about the family we build in the world. Call it friends or anything we call them because we connect to them on a level.

They are the people with whom your mental level match. There is no expectation, no responsibility just a peace of mind, you start believing in them as a family.

But by saying this, I will also say that every relationship will come with their own ups and downs. So, you cannot just run away to make another family.

You need to believe in both the family and do your part in each and accept every member as who they are and let the universe take its course and do what’s best for you.

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